Monday, February 7, 2011


I'm so freaking excited! 

Back in November, we bought this used sofa from Craigslist:

I loved the shape, but the upholstery wasn't umm...quite my style.  So, it got the ol' Furbish treatment with some cerulean blue velvet.  (Please ignore the sides of the bookshelves--they're obviously not done yet.)

On Saturday, we headed over to HomeGoods and lo and behold, we now have art!  Huzzah.

Eventually we'll have some swing arm wall lamps and some chairs which I'm thinking will get a rusty orange velvet treatment.  And we need a rug too.

Griz is totally stoked that we got a sofa for her.  It goes very well with her fur color.  We planned that, obvs.


Sleepwalker said...

She's always known she belongs in a world of silver bugle-beaded pillows and blue velvet.

designstiles said...

Your sofa is so absolutely gorgeous. That's so what I'm looking for for my place.

I Have To Have It said...

Thanks, designstiles! I'm totally thrilled with how it turned out. Now I need to find some chairs and figure out fabric for them--I was originally thinking orange velvet, but now I'm not sure. Gray? Green? A pattern? So many choices! Thoughts?

By the way, I loooooove your blog!

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