You know how there are some people that are the first people to get in line to buy the newest technology? I think there's a marketing term for those people, but I wouldn't know it because I'm clearly not one of them. I move at my own pace (a very, very slow one) on stuff like that. (Which is all very good since I'm the IT person at work and I just figured out how to turn on a Blackberry--aren't you glad you work in my office?) I don't believe in buying first generation anything because it's always more expensive and not as good as later generations.
But lately I've found myself getting more and more up to date on some of these new-fangled contraptions:
1) Remember how we remodeled our kitchen earlier this year? Well, you know what we did? We bought a microwave. And you know what? It's amazing. We didn't have one for the last 3+ years because there wasn't one built in to the kitchen and a microwave took up way too much counter space, so we just did without. Now it feels like my world is turned upside down! You know how when you're not done with your coffee yet, but it's gotten cold? You can put it in the microwave for 15 seconds and...get this...it's hot again! I mean, will wonders never cease???
2) Moving forward a few decades, about a week and a half ago, I bought a Blackberry. I know people have had these for years now, but this is my first PDA. And it is so cool. I bought it primarily because my old phone would constantly drop calls and then once the calls were dropped, it wouldn't let me dial out (or text) for another few hours. And you want to know how frustrating that is??? VERY. So I wanted a functioning phone and the ability to text better with an actual QWERTY keyboard so my phone didn't have to try to guess what I was typing, because guess what? I wasn't furiously typing "I have my mother ducking cell phone" when it dropped yet another call.
So, I got a Blackberry and it's super cool. I had to go on a business trip to Myrtle Beach last week and the whole ride there, I was fascinated with it. (I wasn't driving, FYI.) Poor Chris got multiple emails, the majority of which were along the lines of "Hey, guess what? I'm emailing you! FROM THE CAR!!! HAHAHAHAHA!" He loves that.
3) Finally, and certainly not least, I have discovered the coolest thing: Google Reader. Oh. my. god. It. is. awesome. You take all the blogs you currently read and enter them into your Google Reader account and when you sign into iGoogle or go to check your Gmail, it displays all the updated blog posts from all the blogs you read! I think it's similar to an RSS feed, but since I'm not entirely sure what an RSS feed actually is, I'm not 100% sure on that.