This will go down as yet another weekend in which I'm actually relieved to go to work on Monday because it means I get to
sit down. (Seriously, this happens all. the. time.)
Chris and I tiled the backsplash this weekend and it was actually a pretty easy. Sooooooo much easier than tiling the bathroom.
Anyway, we did a lot of tiling on Saturday then finally grabbed dinner at Pei Wei and settled down for an evening of watching "Dances With Wolves." Somehow we ended up with the extended director's version. I guess the original is long enough, but did you know that the extended version is about 5 hours long? I didn't. We're halfway done. Good movie, just long. And it's not fast-paced, by any means.
Then today, we got up and started tiling at 8:45 am. I'm not joking. We took a break around noon to eat and then tiled some more and then took another break around 2 to go to the gym. Read that again: we took a
break. to go to the
gym. Something is wrong with us. Then we tiled some more.
What kind of backsplash did we have prior to the tiled backsplash? None. None at all, unless you count really,
really greasy drywall. And I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.
Anyway, to remind you of what this kitchen looked like in October:

Pretty bad, huh?
Here's what it's looking like now (imagine angels start singing here):

Again, before:

After (more singing):

It's still not 100% finished, but it will be this week. Very, very exciting. Then I can have my life back. To celebrate, I made myself a drink: equal parts vodka and pomegranate liquor garnished with some pretty sugar and some pomegranate seeds because I'm feeling extra festive.

Anyway, the drink is gone now and I'm feeling quite buzzed. I was going to write a letter of recommendation for a former coworker this evening, but now I'm thinking that's not such a good idea. Unless he wants to get rejected from the Peace Corps.