Sunday, January 25, 2009

Um, yeah, hi. It's me.

It's been awhile since I've posted here. Unfortunately, I have no good story as to why I haven't blogged in months. I haven't been hot-air ballooning around the world; I haven't been on a three month research project in Antartica; and I haven't been scaling Everest. Nope. I've been here in Raleigh, not blogging.

As you might have noticed, it's 2009 now, we have a new administration, and I'm 28. And speaking of a new administration, how great was Tuesday? Our office closed because we had 4.5 inches of snow, but Chris had to work and then volunteered to stay in a hotel so he could get to work the next day, so I had the day to myself and watched, oh, 14 straight hours of television.

A few random thoughts about the day's events:

1) I thought Aretha's hat kicked ass. She pulled it off, plus, she's Aretha Franklin, so that's all that really matters. And did you know you can become a fan of the hat on Facebook?  Now you do.  You're welcome.

2) The inauguration was pretty spectacular. I thought Rev. Joseph Lowery, who did the benediction, was fantastic. I loved him.

3) Chocolate cookies sandwiched together with chocolate buttercream don't suck. There's something to be said for having 4.5 pounds of chocolate chips in one's freezer for occasions when you're snowed in.

4) My husband rocks. He surprised me at Christmas with these red Hunter wellies that I'd been wanting for awhile. They're perfect for snow. I need to get the wellie socks to put in them to keep my toes warm though.

5) Our backyard looks pretty when it's covered in fluffy white snow.

That's all for now, kids. I'll blog more later. Promise.
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