You know those American Express ads where they ask celebrities to describe the perfect day? Well I think yesterday was my perfect day. We woke up around 8:30 (not too early, not too late) and decided that since we were out of coffee at the house, we'd walk to our nearby Starbucks, which is 2 miles away. The trees are completely filled in now and the weather was perfect: 70 degrees or so. So we grabbed some iced coffee and a half pound of the Pike's Place Blend and walked back home.
Then we made our way to the State Farmers' Market and had a hell of a time. We bought locally raised beef, chicken, and lamb, some pork barbeque for lunch, and a ton of produce: lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, peas, beets, and these babies, a quarter of which are being made into ice cream as I type:

Then we came home, read some magazines, made dinner (lamb chops, asparagus, and roasted beets), and watched Lars and the Real Girl, which I highly recommend.
On tap for today: a little cleaning around the house and some gardening. The weather is perfect for working in the yard and the mosquitos aren't out yet. I love this time of year.