We still haven't figured out what to do with our tax refund. It might just be my patriotic duty to buy these. Hmmm...
We still haven't figured out what to do with our tax refund. It might just be my patriotic duty to buy these. Hmmm...
I'm really happy with the way the master bedroom looks now. I liked the turquoise originally, but lately it just felt like an assault on the eyeballs:
The new paint color just feels a lot more soothing. I eventually want a window above the chair to look out over the wooded backyard, but for now I'm satisfied with it as it is.
Originally I wanted to get a quilt from John Robshaw, but I swung into Home Goods a few weeks ago and found one that was ridiculously close to the JR one and it was only $59, instead of $315. So you can guess which one I went with. Yes, it's made in China and I'm sure the quality isn't the same, but it's really hard to argue with that price difference, so I'm sticking with the Home Goods quilt.
The tasks for this coming week are mostly in the home office: cleaning over, under, and behind stuff; purging files; and organizing.